Job Search Toolbox

第一块资源是为国际学生和寻找雇主的学生提供的,这些雇主优先考虑多样性和包容性. 也有有色人种学生的资源, LGBTQIA students, 残疾学生, 对于无证学生. We also include resources for athletes, veterans, and women.

下一个资源块由额外的地方组成,在提供的资源之外寻找机会 Handshake. 下一个资源块列出了一些寻找STEM人才的人力资源机构.

为了谈判的目的,我们经常被问到工资信息,所以除了我们的 Impact Report, we have a block of resources to help you research salary data. The final block of resources will help you with determining cost of living in various places; help you determine if you have a fair offer; and help you budget how you will live plus a resource to help you find living arrangements.

LinkedIn 这也是一个与校友建立联系、寻找实习和全职机会的有用工具吗. 要充分利用LinkedIn,请使用 完美LinkedIn个人资料的10个技巧 创造一个令人印象深刻的个人资料.

For non-profit careers, you may want to search Idealist and for government jobs, USAJobs. Also, check out resources from some of our employer partners: Indeed and Zip Recruiter.

Job Search Resources


Resources for Athletes
Athlete Network -运动员帮助运动员.

要求以及如何申请CPT的说明可以通过联系院长尼基获得, 主管机构多样性和国际学生太阳2平台事务的副院长,网址

Uniworld -是一个跨国公司数据库. 它可以帮助国际学生在他们的祖国和美国城市之间找到子公司. 找到熟悉你的原籍国的公司是一个很好的策略, 尤其是当你在美国的时候. Access Uniworld through Handshake, OCS职业生涯管理系统.

My Visa Jobs – lots of resources for finding work as an international student.


Diversity Employers – magazine for those who seek information on careers, job opportunities, /专业学校毕业, internships/co-ops, study abroad programs, 以及其他就业和职业发展的机会,雇主有兴趣招聘多元化的劳动力.

美国印第安人全国代表大会 -来自美国印第安人的工作机会, 夏威夷原住民和阿拉斯加原住民组织希望雇佣美国原住民.

北美伊斯兰教协会 – Resources and events with the 北美伊斯兰教协会 (ISNA).

LatPro -为西班牙语和双语专业人士(西班牙语/英语和葡萄牙语/英语)提供搜索简历数据库和招聘启事.

西班牙裔物理学家协会 – promotes opportunities and highlights accomplishments of Hispanic physicists.

LGBTQ在美国工作场所的权利 -保护LGBTQIA工人.

Out&Equal -允许访客和用户查看各种多元化雇主提供的工作机会, review career resources, and learn about upcoming events for the LGBTQIA community.

Out Professionals  -网络资源和招聘板.

OUT for Work -一个非营利组织,致力于帮助LGBTQIA大学生成功地从学术界过渡到工作场所. OUT for Work has featured partner companies on their site, 为那些寻找支持LGBTQIA雇主的人.

Out for Undergrad - LGBTQ学生会议.

GLSEN -同性恋,异性恋教育网络.

Human Rights Campaign, Annual Corporate Equality Report -人权运动(HRC)是一个民权组织,每年对数百家美国雇主的LGBTQIA包容性政策和做法进行评估.

国家跨性别平等中心 – resources to identify opportunities from inclusive organizations.

国家女同性恋权利中心 -从包容性组织中识别机会的资源,以及如何应对法律挑战.

Pride at Work – a division of AFL-CIO.

为盟友和科技行业的跨性别人士强调并赋予LGBTQ中的T权利 -为LGBTQ群体赋权的资源.

Zety – A blog to help people with disabilities find jobs.

Entry Point -为有明显或非明显残疾的学生提供科学实习机会, engineering, mathematics, computer science, 还有一些商业领域.

雇佣残疾解决方案 -个人联络雇主及寻找就业机会的资讯及资源.

Workplace & Employment: American Association of People with Disabilities -与几家雇主合作,专门为残疾青年提供实习项目. 积极招募华盛顿特区的组织参加大华盛顿实习联盟, 为这些有才华的学生和年轻的专业人士提供更多的机会.

Autism Hiring Program -透过微软提供. Those interested can apply directly by sending their resume to

Job Assistance Guide for People with Disabilities – a compilation of employment-related resources.


Immigrants Rising – resources for undocumented students including graduate scholarships.

United We Dream -为DACA学生提供额外资源.

Resources for Women
SWE -女工程师协会.

Women in Stem – resources for mentoring, networking and more.

Resources for Veterans
CareerOneStop ——职业探索、培训和就业.

Resources by Industry

Artificial Intelligence

Government AI – lists opportunities for government positions.

LinkedIn AI Jobs

AI Job Board – connect students to jobs at various AI companies.

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence -列出当前的职位空缺.

Computer Science

Wellfound – (formerly AngelList) connects students to startup jobs and information.

计算机协会 – professional association for computer science.

Dice -信息技术(IT)招聘板,提供高科技永久、合同和咨询工作. -海外工程机会.


教师资格证书 – certification information and national teaching jobs.

HigherEdJobs – faculty and administrative positions at colleges and universities.

EDJOIN – find a wide range of jobs in the education sector, primarily K-12.

EdSurge – jobs in EdTech, education, technology, and teaching.

Work in EdTech -广泛的教育技术工作,包括工程,产品和设计,以及数据分析.


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Careers – connects students to jobs in the Aerospace industry.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) -列出了化学工程进展杂志和AiChEWeb上发布的当前职位空缺.

American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE) Jobs -列出土木工程师当前的工作.

美国机械工程师学会 – career and education resources for Mechanical Engineers.

Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Job Board – lists current jobs in the biomedical industry.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Jobs -列出EE和CS中当前的工作.

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Jobs – lists current jobs in Industrial and Systems Engineering. – connects students to positions in Materials and Metallurgy.

NASA – career resource for individuals who want to work at NASA.

核能研究所(NEI)招聘板 – lists companies and articles related to nuclear engineering.

Space Crew– a website that contains all the latest space industry jobs.


可持续发展职业 -概述了常见的绿色职业道路,并按州细分了就业机会.

生态工作:环境和保护工作  – useful information on job listings nationwide. – provides job listings and resume postings for job seekers along with training, internship, 就业机会.

Green Jobs Network -全美国环境和社会责任职位的可搜索数据库.

GreenBiz JobLink -职位及简历发布中心.

环境工作岗位 – job board focused specifically employment in renewable energy worldwide. -链接到数据库,其中有太阳2注册平台不同的教育机构与海洋相关的课程和50多个海洋职业的描述的信息.

Work for Water -帮助找工作和为从事保护公众健康和环境的职业做准备的资源.


USAJOBS – the federal government’s official employment site.

GoGovernment联邦实习查找器 -由公共服务伙伴关系创建,旨在简化您寻找联邦机会的过程.

Government AI – lists opportunities for AI-focused government positions.

American Statistical Association (ASA) Job Board -列出当前统计学家的职位空缺.

数学女性协会 -女性数学工作公告栏.

美国数学学会 – educational resources for math students, including grad school resources.

Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) -为考虑从事数学职业的学生提供求职和职业信息资源.

美国化学学会(ACS)职业 – connects students to jobs in the field of chemistry. -制药和生物技术国家工作清单网站,可按工作类别搜索, geographical region, or company.

BioPharmGuy -是一个为希望在生物技术领域工作的人列出实习和工作机会的网站. 该网站还列出了公司信息.

Chemical & Engineering News Jobs – brought to you by the American Chemical Society.

NewScientistJobs – provides a list of science and technology jobs, courses and career advice.

美国物理学会 – resources for physicists including jobs and diversity initiatives.

ScienceCareers -提供《太阳2平台》杂志全球职位的综合数据库,包括工业领域的研究职位, government, and academic settings. – international science jobs database searchable by sector (industry, academic, 和政府)和纪律(例如.g., bioinformatics, virology, environmental science, more).

TheLabRat – an information center for Scientists, Researchers and Lab Rats alike. 找一些生物技术和制药方面的工作.

Gap Year Resources

USA Gap Year Fairs
AmeriCorps – state and national volunteer and leadership opportunities; VISTA program; Conservation Corps.
Public Allies
Teach for America
City Year AmeriCorps
Service Year Alliance
American Red Cross
U.S. 鱼类及野生动物管理局

Volunteer Globally
BUNAC – offers help with finding short-term work abroad for a fee.
太阳2平台交流委员会 – offers help with finding short-term work abroad for a fee.
AIESEC  – offers help with finding short-term work abroad for a fee.
Peace Corps
Peacework -可持续社会变革运动.
Global Service Corps -国际志愿者经验.
United Planet – international volunteer abroad opportunities in 40+ countries.
Trailblazing Travel Resource for Work, Living, Volunteering and Study Abroad
Volunteer World – NGOs in 80+ countries.

Adventure Jobs
短期工作经历 -荒野治疗,伟大的户外和保护工作,可持续生活和农业工作等.
Jobs in Great Places – national parks, resorts, ranches, guest lodges, etc.
Adventure Jobs -独特的就业机会.

Employment Agencies

Aerotek – an employment agency offering free temporary staffing, temp-to-hire placement, 以及长期安置人员.

Altair – hires engineers for an in-house product design consultancy, which applies state-of-the-art technology to real-world customer problems.

凯利工程资源 – specializes in placing engineering professionals in temporary contract, 合同聘用和全职工作.

Salary Information

教育到职业工资计算器 -从受教育程度到职业成果数据的领先资源,被超过5人使用,000 employers and 2,000个校园就业中心.  数据来源于:美国.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. 美国平等就业机会委员会.S. 美国经济分析局.S. 联邦储备,国家教育统计中心,和专有资源.

Glassdoor -让你了解公司的薪资情况, reviews and interview questions for more than 26,000 companies.

PayScale薪资计算器 – provides accurate, real-time salary information.

ZipRecruiter – salary data by major.


NerdWallet的生活成本 – provides a way to compare the cost of living in two cities.

Budgeting -帮助你知道你有多少钱可以花在你生活的不同方面.

Roomi – an app to find to a roommate and/or place to live.